Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Roller Operator

It's amazing how life works sometimes. Not two hours after the last post I made about wanting to go back to my construction job, my boss called. YEAH!!! I got to work all day tuesday. And let me tell you how out of shape I am! I forget about some of the muscles I have to gain, and the weight I have to lose. But I got a fresh reminder of it. But man did it feel good to get a good workout. And I also realize how much I love my job there. The people I work with may not have the same standards. But I enjoy their company, and the fun we have nonetheless. I realize it's not a job that my body will stand up to the rest of my life, but while I am in my mostly younger years, it great. Anyhow, just an update. Things are going in a good direction.

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